Tuesday 21 April 2020


1) What does intertextuality refer to in Media Studies? [2 marks]
when media products creates a reference to other media products.
2) Explain how the OMO advertisement reflects the social and historical context of its time. [6 marks]
It suggests that women are supposed to do all of the domestic house work.They are also expected to be presented in a certain type of way like a full face of makeup. The woman in the advert is also seen as 'perfect.The reason of this statement was to dig further into the fact that its as if if a woman has even the smallest flaw it would highly decrease the little reputation of which they carry. This is why i think that She is presented with a quite formal outfit along with fine nails and of course a heap of make up. I would also like to mention that she is carrying a joyful smile showing that they should be grateful for the so little of which they have. You can also sense the drastic inferiority and liberty in the women's possession,with stating such little of a detail like the fact that males are able to travel freely whereas women must always be escorted which may seem nice but is highly sexist.
3) How do advertisements reinforce and challenge stereotypes in the media?
An example of hidden racial adverts are like the BAME advert. The reason that i have chosen this is because it has chosen to stand out to bame members which the B stands for black. The reason that i have decided to point this out,is because of the fact that of all music, the style was rap, which is probably the most stereotypical thought about black people(The fact that they love rap).

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