Tuesday 24 September 2019

denotations and connotations

        DENOTATION  AND CONNOTATIONS    one of the denotations is that there is a boy with a seriously sad frown on his miserable face.i can infer that this photo is taken in a country of poverty like Africa.The reason i thought this is because of the background,for example instead of sports cars and city skyscrapers,there is dry land and mud huts.the malnourished looking boy is also wearing a blue t-shirt which can suggest that the person in charge of this advert,could infer that the boy would like water which is also blue.
                                                                                        DENOTATION AND CONNOTATION
a denotation is that there are two square inspired characters.you can also see behind them creatures which look like a dog,a cow,a sheep,a pig,a chicken,some sort of zombie and a green monster.looking further into the connotations of this picture you can see that there is a relation between this game and real life for example: animals,caves,trees,caves,mountains etc...this could infer that it is meant to be made as a virtual reality of our earth.

Thursday 12 September 2019

poster work

Image result for sword art online movie poster
by the colour variations it  shows that it could be
suitable for young children like babies that  might
not understand much as it might not be suitable
for all children because you can get the intention
that its violent as the boy shown in the cover is
wielding a sword adding that its called sword
art online.

the movie shown in the poster was made by a
globally known group named the Smithsonian
astrophysical observatory there for the initials
of both the company and the movie being sao.

the title,release-date and compatible devices are
stated on the poster written in both English and
Japanese aiming this poster to either Japanese
or British citizens.

first 10 questions

1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most?
the course im looking most forward is filming
2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?
i would like to improve my filming and editing
3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?
i hope to exeed my target grade and reach a 5/5+
4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?
the Steven universe movie
5) Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience?
because Steven universe is different to most anime and sutibal for all ages
6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.)
7) What device do you use most to access the media?
8) Watch this clip from acclaimed BBC drama series Doctor Who:

9) Why was the casting of Jodie Whitaker a significant moment in the history of Doctor Who?
because shes the only woman

10) What aspects of this scene do you think an audience might enjoy? List at least three things and explain why the audience would enjoy each aspect. 
explosion-because its very dramatic
switches different doctors
the first woman