Thursday 11 March 2021

statement of intent

f movie: The remainders 

tagline-"Will they make it to the end" 

baseline: "sure it might seem easy but its only the beginning!" 

Website plan 

  • I will create a free website in order to promote my horror movie, this will consist of a trailer page,an info page and a cast page 



Photography plan 


  • My photography will be on a very low budget and i hope to take pictures of teenage groyups as this will have a lot in common with the film 


Media representations 


I plan to subvert stereotypes by making the numbers of males and females the same as well as the fact that i will make the girls in the movie more daring than the guys. Furthermore, I will make the iconic stereotypes of the group consisting of the bully, popular girl, rebellious nerdy girl and the scrawny main character. 



Target audience 


Although most horror movies are rated 18, this movie is going to be a hybrid genre consisting of horror and action so that it cannot only appeal to those of age to watch horror movies but that it can also be available to the younger viewers 

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Coursework research and planning

 Visit the Come Play horror movie website.

1) How do you know that the film is from the horror genre?

You can easily tell that this is a horror movie due to its conventions such as the type of font used. You can tell that they use that font to eject fear onto the audience. Furthermore, in the background image, it shows a group of kids around the age of 8 with horrified looks on their faces inferring that there is either something horrifying in front of them or that the book that they are holding contains something gruesome.

2) How does the website make the audience want to watch the film?

the website purposely put the trailer up for show which contains the most interesting and scary moments in order to pull in the audience. They also added clips and photos of what seem to be the best moments of the movie.

3) Scroll down to see the whole homepage. What other content does the website offer?

The website contains the names of the cast maybe hoping to promote the actors' acting career. Like previously stated they contain pictures and clips from the movie, a trailer and a bio of the movie.

Next, visit the Mothers Of Monsters horror movie website.

1) What font/typography and colour is used for the title of the film?

The font used it sans- serif in a type of sketched way to make it seem scary. if that wasn't enough, they also used red which when talking about a horror movie usually refers to blood, death or in fact the horror industry in general.

2) Scroll down to see the whole homepage. How is the film described in the 'About' section?

The website describes it as a  hybrid film and as a family drama and psychological thriller. This might be so that they can encourage parents to watch it together as a family.

3) Keep scrolling down. What other content does the website offer?

As well as the trailer the website offers information 'about' the movie, Cast bios, interview of the cast. It also offers behind the scenes to make the audience feel they are getting something rare, lastly a 'who we are' describing to the audience about the creators of the movie.

Finally, visit this website for horror movie The Invisible Man

1) What is the main image on The Invisible Man film poster (on the left of the website homepage)?

 It is an image of petrified women, looking to her left and seems very afraid of what she is looking at. The shot is a close up of her face to really highlight her frightened emotions as well as her facial expressions which suggest that she is in fear of something.

2) What is the tagline for the film? (Clue: it starts 'What You Can't See...')

The tagline for the film is "WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE CAN HURT YOU".

3) How is the story of The Invisible Man described on the site?

It's described as "a terrifying modern tale of obsession inspired by Universal's classic monster character". The story is described to make the audience feel sympathetic for the female lead.